My Kind. The intention. – Wobble Yoga


My Kind. The intention.

Welcome to My Kind.

Yogis, around the World. One act of kindness at a time.

 Be Cool. Be Kind.

Let's talk about Kindness. It feels important to me. Why? It started with a T-shirt hastily grabbed at a sale. Plain is my usual fashion game but, I liked this T by Aussie label May. White with a simple black slogan: Be Cool. Be Kind.

Much later, when walking down a busy road in Sydney, wearing said T-shirt, a homeless woman I had barely noticed, stood up from her sleeping bag bed and started vigorously nodding and pointing at my chest "I agree with that!" she declared. "Huh. Oh. Agree. Great" I mumbled, walking on, avoiding eye contact. "Your shirt, love." She clarified. "Oh. Yeah. Cool. Be Cool" I stammered, managing to turn my head, half-smiling. Still avoiding eye contact. "No, love. Be KIND". I stopped dead. I wanted to apologise. But, I just smiled at her and shrugged. Now, I wish I had thanked her. Profusely. 

Since then, when I hear about kindness during my yoga practice, it always resonates. It's become my primary personal principle. My top tenet! Our young daughter 'gets' it, too. She was super sad about a vandalised wall near our home. "The bricks have feelings too Mum!"🙄  Maybe not. But she's grasping the concept of Ahimsa. Respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others. #parenting101

So, my mission is to create a corner of the World where we celebrate & focus on kindness. I'll be inviting Yogis from around the world to share a little of themselves and their experience of kindness. At worst, it will showcase some interesting stories. At best, it will make someone stop dead in their tracks and realise why being kind, is really really cooool.

Polly 🙏❤️


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